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Skrivena Luka Buses

Skrivena Luka Bus station is located in Croatia. From Skrivena Luka you can travel by bus to and from following destinations

Location Map of Skrivena Luka Bus Station

Here is a location map of the bus station - you can enlarge the map and right click on it to save the map image:

Skrivena Luka bus station address and GPS coordinates

Address: 20290, Skrivena Luka, Lastovo island, Croatia
GPS location coordinates: 42°44'4.1"N 16°53'5.6"E

Buses from Skrivena Luka

Buses to Skrivena Luka

Alternative bus stations to Skrivena Luka

Here is the list of the alternative (nearest) bus stations to check any other ferry connection that suits your travel plan:

Book Hotels near Skrivena Luka Bus Station

Nearest ferry ports to Skrivena Luka Bus Station:

  • Ubli on lastovo, Croatia
  • Prigradica on korcula, Croatia
  • Vela Luka on korcula, Croatia

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